海外リクエスト - トピック返信
[iEARN-USA]  クラタ先生(マサチューセッツ)から交流を。
2008年11月16日 01:53
最近、Teachers\' Lounge で、マサチュッセッツ、くらた先生と次のような会話をしております。


くらた先生は、また、"Solar Energy Debate"もTeachers Loungeで始めておられます。

質問やHELPは高木まで―> yoko@jearn.jp


I\'m Michiko Kurata, a teacher at Weston High School in Weston, Massachusetts, USA. I am originally from Yokohama, Kanagawa ken, but am now teaching 9th and 10th grade world history in the US. I won\'t be able to find students to do skype with you on Sunday (Sat. night for us) but I\'m available to do skype video conference if you are interested. I\'ll be open to the idea of establishing a relationship with you and your students in Ishikawa ken and possibly have online collaborative projects with my students in Massachusetts.

If you\'re interested, please email me at kuratam@mail.weston.org

Thank you,

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HHi Yoko san,

That sounds great! I\'m personally interested in connecting with secondary school teachers, but I can get in touch with middle and elementary school teachers in my district (Weston, MA) who are interested in connecting with Japanese students. Feel free to give them my info and my email, which is kuratam@mail.weston.org.

I look forward to working with you!


Solar Energy Debate

Scientists at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in USA recently made a major discovery of technology that allows you to store solar energy. My 10th grade students are having an online discussion about this discovery, and which presidential candidate is better prepared to support this technology. If you\'d like to view this blog and/or have your students join the discussion, please email me at kuratam@mail.weston.org.
